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Fly Fishing Knots No. 6 - The Water Knot

Showing how to tie a dropper in your fly leader

The diagram below shows the main connecting knots in fly fishing, i.e. from reel to backing line; backing line to fly line; fly line to fly leader; fly leader to fly, with the addition of a dropper to attach a second fly.

Click on the numbered black dots to see illustrated instructions on how to tie each knot in the series

Fly Reel Knot Fly Line Backing Knot Gray's Loop Loop-to-Loop Knot Perfection Loop Knot Water Knot Fishing Slip Knot Fly Fishing Knots

click a dot to select a knot


The Water Knot

This is a knot for forming a neat dropper in the fly leader, as illustrated below.

The Water Knot is good dropper knot. Stronger, more reliable and easier to tie than the blood knot. Although the typical advice is for three turns, I often use only two turns and the resultant knot seems quite reliable. Note that the length used for the dropper should be the one pointing away from the reel.

Water Knot - step 1

Step 1 - With the "reel end" to your right, cut the leader at the point where the dropper is required and overlap the ends by about 10 inches, depending on the length of dropper .


Water Knot - step 2

Step 2 - Form an overhand loop with the doubled nylon and grip firmly at point "A" with the right thumb and forefinger.


Water Knot - step 3

Step 3 - With the left hand, pull the dropper length along with the whole lower section of the leader through the loop at least twice.


Water Knot - step 4

Step 4 - Moisten, draw tight and trim the end which points towards the reel.



For illustrated instructions on how to tie the various fly fishing knots, click on one of the following links

1 - Reel Knot   knot for attaching backing line to the fly reel
2 - Flyline to Backing Knot   knot for joining fly line to backing line
3 - Gray's Loop   monofilament fly line loop
4 - Loop to Loop   simple way of connecting leader to fly line
5 - Perfection Loop   knot forming a loop in the end of the fly leader
6 - Water Knot   a simple and reliable dropper knot
7 - Slip Knot   a reliable knot for attaching a fly or hook to the leader


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