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Fly Fishing Links

A list of fly fishing web sites, relating mainly to fly fishing for salmon, trout and sea trout in Scotland and fly fishing in general.

Scottish Fly Fishing Links

Scottish Fishing Clubs and Associations

Abernethy Angling Association  Superb Salmon and sea trout fishing on the River Spey.

Crieff Angling Club  The official website of Crieff Angling Club, River Earn.

Kelso Fishing Kelso Fishing offers news and information on trout and salmon fishing on the River Tweed and Teviot in the Scottish Borders.

Jedforest Angling Association  Salmon, trout and grayling fishing on five miles of the River Teviot in the Scottish Borders.

Upper Annandale Angling Association   Controls the fishing on 8 miles of the upper Annan. Day and weekly permits available to visiting anglers

East Lothian Angling Association  Salmon, trout and sea trout fishing on the East Lothian Tyne.

Orkney Trout Fishing Association  Comprehensive guide to the brown trout and sea trout waters of the Orkney islands.

Newton Stewart Angling Association  Salmon, trout and sea trout fishing on the River Cree and association lochs. 

Avon Angling Club  The Avon Angling Club manage the fishing on the River Avon, a major Clyde tributary, with permits available to visitors at very reasonable prices.

Upper Avon Angling Association The association manages the fishing on the upper Avon and Glengavel Reservoir. Free fishing for under 12s.

Forres Angling Association The association controls four miles of salmon and sea trout fishing on the lower River Findhorn.

Peebles Trout Fishing Association The association managet rout and grayling fishing on 23 miles of the Tweed and 5 miles of the Lyne Water.


Other Scottish Fishing Websites

Salmon Fishing in Scotland      A guide to salmon fishing in Scotland, featuring maps and information on 75 Scottish salmon rivers.

Where to Fish      Where to fish for salmon in Scotland

Scottish Salmon Rivers      Maps and information on Scottish Salmon Rivers

Scottish Salmon Fishing    Articles about salmon fishing in Scotland

Trout Fishing in Scotland   A guide to trout fishing in Scotland, featuring maps and information on Scottish trout lochs and rivers.

Trout and Salmon Fishing  Information on trout, salmon and sea trout fishing in Scotland featuring maps, tackle, tactics, flies, articles, knots, books and recipes.

Sea Trout Fishing  A new website about sea trout fishing on the rivers of Scotland, England and Wales.

Salmon Fishing in Scotland  Information about salmon fishing in Scotland.

Where to fish for salmon in Scotland  Maps and information on salmon fishing on 75 Scottish rivers.

Salmon Fishing - North of Scotland  Maps and information on the salmon fishing rivers of northern Scotland.

Salmon Fishing - Central Scotland  Maps and information on the salmon lochs and rivers of central Scotland.

Salmon Fishing - South of Scotland  Maps and information on the salmon fishing rivers of southern Scotland.

Salmon Fishing - Scottish Islands  Maps and information on the salmon fishing lochs and rivers of the Scottish Islands.

Salmon Fishing Tackle  Fly and spinning tackle for Scottish salmon.

Salmon Fishing Tactics  Tactics for Scottish salmon.

Scottish Salmon Flies  Information and pictures of famous Scottish salmon flies.

Trout Fishing in Scotland  Information about trout fishing in Scotland.

Where to fish for trout in Scotland  Maps and information on the main trout fishing areas of Scotland.

Trout Fishing - North of Scotland  Maps and information on the main trout fishing lochs and rivers of northern Scotland.

Trout Fishing - Central Scotland  Maps and information on the main trout fishing lochs and rivers of central Scotland..

Trout Fishing - South of Scotland  Maps and information on the main trout fishing lochs and rivers of southern Scotland.

Trout Fishing - Scottish Islands  Maps and information on the main trout fishing lochs and rivers of the Scottish Islands.

Trout Fishing Tackle Fly fishing tackle for Scottish trout.

Trout Fishing Tactics  Tactics for Scottish trout.

Scottish Trout Flies  Traditional Scottish trout flies.

Sea Trout Fishing in Scotland  Information about Scottish sea trout fishing.

Where to fish for Scottish Sea Trout  Maps and information on the main Scottish sea trout rivers and lochs.

Sea Trout Fishing - North of Scotland  Maps and information on the sea trout fishing lochs and rivers of northern Scotland.

Sea Trout Fishing - Central Scotland   Maps and information on the sea trout fishing lochs and rivers of central Scotland.

Sea Trout Fishing - South of Scotland  Maps and information on the sea trout fishing lochs and rivers of southern Scotland.

Sea Trout Fishing - Scottish Islands  Maps and information on the sea trout fishing lochs and rivers of the Scottish Islands.

Sea Trout Fishing Tackle  Fly fishing tackle for Scottish sea trout.

Sea Trout Fishing Tactics Tactics for Scottish sea trout.

Sea Trout Flies  Some famous sea trout flies.

Maps of Scotland  A page linking to 1000 maps of Scottish trout and salmon rivers and lochs.

Fishing Articles  Articles relating particularly to trout, salmon and sea trout fishing in Scotland.

Where to Stay in Scotland Accommodation in Scotland -Information on Scottish hotels, holiday cottages and camping and caravan sites.

Scottish Fishing Clubs Information about fishing clubs and associations in Scotland.

Scottish Tackle Shops  Information about fishing tackle shops in Scotland.

Fly Fishing Knots  Illustrated instructions for tying some popular fly fishing knots.

Fishing Weather How the weather affects the fisherman.

Fishing Books  Some favourite fishing books.

Salmon Recipes  Recipes for Scottish salmon from top Scottish chef, Nick Nairn.

Fishing in Scotland   Guided salmon and trout fishing holidays, Spey casting and fly fishing tuition.   Very useful website by a local angler offering fly fishing information for the River Don and trout lochs of Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Tube Fies  Tying tube flies on Needle Tubes, ultra slim stainless steel tubes, specially developed for salmon, steelhead and sea trout tube fly fishing.  Maps of the entire coastline of Great Britain

Flyfish Scotland  Ally Gowans's website offering fly fishing instruction, trips and vacations in Scotland.

Fishing the River Annan    Details of all the fishing available on the River Annan

The Flyline Shop  A new range of fly lines from Mike Barrio

Alba Game Fishing Alba Game Fishing provides luxury fishing trips in Scotland and bespoke fly-fishing experiences and holidays for salmon, trout, pike, sea trout and saltwater species.


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UK Fly Fishing Links

UK Fishing Clubs and Associations

Fishing in Wales  Comprehensive coverage of fishing in Wales. The Llandysul Angling Association site is particularly good.

Aberystwyth Angling Association   Information on sea trout fishing on the River Rheidol.

Dolgellau Angling Association   Prime sea trout fishing on 13 miles of the Mawddach and Wnion.

Mitre Angling Club   Fishing on thirteen miles of rivers, including stretches of the Ribble, Calder and Wharfe, and on two stillwaters in the Lancashire and Yorkshire countryside.

Crediton Fly Fishers  Fishing in Devon on rivers controlled by Crediton Fly Fishing Club.

Upper Teign Fishing Association   12 miles of trout, salmon and sea trout fishing on the upper reaches of the River Teign in the Dartmoor National Park, Devon. Fishing is available to the general public through day permits or applying to Hon. Sec. for membership.

Merthyr Tydfil Angling Association  South Wales Angling Association with salmon, sea trout and brown trout fishing on a variety of rivers and stillwaters.

Dart Angling Association Nine miles of fishing on the River Dart. Day permits available.

Llandeilo Angling Association Managing 9 miles of prime sea trout fishing on the River Towy, Wales.


Other UK Fishing Websites

Glyndwr Fishery  Trout and grayling  fishing on the river Vyrnwy in mid Wales.

Atlantic Salmon Trust  Salmon and Sea Trout conservation

The Grayling Society  Promoting awareness, conservation and angling for grayling worldwide.


Other Useful UK Websites

Old Maps  Old maps of places in Great Britain, featuring detailed maps of towns in England, Scotland and Wales as they were fifty years ago. Find an old map of an English, Scottish or Welsh city or town.

Maps of London  Detailed maps of London as it was in the mid twentieth century


International Fly Fishing Links

Flytier  Hans Weilenmann's excellent fly tying site, with superbly photographed flies from tyers worldwide.

Atlantic Salmon Federation The Atlantic Salmon Federation is an international non-profit organization which promotes the conservation and wise management of the wild Atlantic salmon and its environment.

BOOK - Sea Trout Nights









Grays Tube Fly Tool

The new Grays Tube Fly Adaptor is now available in our online shop supplied with 20 ASSORTED NEEDLE TUBES

Grays Tube Fly Adaptor is a most practical and versatile fly tying tool, which holds all sizes off tubes securely. It is particularly suited to dressing our needle tubes. For full information and advice on how to use our tube fly adaptor see:

Grays Tube Fly Adaptor


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Sea Trout Tube Flies
Salmon Doubles
Traditional Doubles
Trout & Sea Trout
Sea Trout Flies
Sea Trout Needle Tubes
Trout Flies
Trout Dry Flies
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Needle Fly Kit

Our Needle Tubes and boxed selections of trout, sea trout and salmon flies are available in our online fly shop.

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Sea Trout Fishing








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