Trout and Salmon Flies


Fulling Mill Flies Grays Needle Tubes Grays Tube Fly Adaptor Blackback Salmon Tubes Scottish Shrimp Salmon Flies Spey Shrimp Salmon Tubes Sea Trout Needle Tubes Wee Monkeys Salmon Minitubes Trout Flies

Online Shop

How to Order

Online Sales

GRAYS OF KILSYTH offers a safe, secure and reliable online purchasing facility, in association with PAYPAL. 

You can be sure that your personal and credit card details will remain strictly confidential.

Your order will be confirmed by e-mail and dispatched, usually the next day, by either FIRST CLASS post or Tracked 48 in the UK or by AIRMAIL to international destinations.

Please allow one week for delivery (or slightly longer for international orders).

If  you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, simply return it in its original packaging and you will receive a full refund.

TO ORDER online, please click on the link below. This will connect you to our online shop for simple, safe and secure ordering. Our online shop accepts payment by debit or credit card or by Paypal.

Online Shop

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If you have any queries on products, prices etc. please contact us by e-mail at:


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Quick Product Links

Needle Tubes
1.5mm Needle Tubes
1.8mm Needle Tubes
HMH Tube Fly Adaptor
Needle Tube Flies
Scottish Shrimp Tubes
Spey Shrimp Tubes
Wee Monkeys
Sea Trout Tube Flies
Salmon Doubles
Traditional Doubles
Trout & Sea Trout
Sea Trout Flies
Sea Trout Needle Tubes
Trout Flies
Trout Dry Flies
Fly Boxes
Extension Tubing
Needle Fly Kit

Our Needle Tubes and boxed selections of trout, sea trout and salmon flies are available in our online fly shop.

All online payments are processed by the trusted Paypal payment system, the safest way to shop on the internet. You can be sure that your personal and credit card details will remain strictly confidential and secure. We normally dispatch all orders within 24 hours of receipt of your order, by first class post within the UK (which often means next day delivery for orders placed early in the day) and by airmail to international destinations.


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Home ] Fulling Mill Flies ] Salmon Flies ] Scottish Salmon Flies ] Salmon Tube Flies ] Scottish Shrimp Tube Flies ] Spey Shrimps ] Wee Monkeys ] Minitubes ] Blackback Tubes ] Sea Trout Tube Flies ] Sea Trout Flies ] Tube Fly Vice ] Fly Tying Tubes ] Spinheads ] Needle Fly Kit ] Trout Flies ] Fly Boxes ] Tube Fly Tubing ] Fly Tying ] Tube Flies ] Needle Tube Flies ] Sidelines ] Fishing Photo Gallery ] Fly Fishing Knots ] Salmon Recipes ] Fly Fishing Articles ] Places to Fish ] Fly Fishing News ] Fly Fishing Links ] Sea Trout Fishing Book ] Testimonials ] Contact Information ] Privacy Policy ] Site Map ] [ How to Order ]


trout & salmon flies