Trout and Salmon Flies


Fulling Mill Flies Grays Needle Tubes Grays Tube Fly Adaptor Blackback Salmon Tubes Scottish Shrimp Salmon Flies Spey Shrimp Salmon Tubes Sea Trout Needle Tubes Wee Monkeys Salmon Minitubes Trout Flies

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Salmon Fly Tying

Olive Wing Shrimp

Olive-wing Yellow Belly Shrimp Tube fly dressed on a 10mm needle tube with free-swinging single hook and Knot Guard

A selection of salmon fishing flies and their fly tying materials

A few salmon flies are shown below, along with notes on how to tie each salmon fly and links to fly tying step by step photographic tying sequences. Flies include established favourites such as Ally Gowans's Cascade and other patterns dressed on conventional hooks or fine stainless steel needle tubes, recently developed by Grays of Kilsyth here in Scotland and available in our online fly shop. See also:




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Cascade Salmon Fly

Cascade (Ally Gowans)
Hook: salmon single
Tag: oval silver tinsel
Tail: mixed orange and yellow bucktail
Rear Body: silver tinsel
Front Body: black floss
Rib: oval silver tinsel
Wing: black squirrel with Krystal Flash
Hackle: orange cock over yellow
see Cascade Fly Tying Step by Step

Wee Monkey Salmon Tube Fly

Wee Monkey (Needle Tube Fly)
Tube: 15 mm stainless steel needle tube
Underwing: green Arctic fox hair
Overwing: black Arctic fox hair
Cheeks: small jungle cock cheeks
Hackle: yellow
see: Wee Monkey Needle Tube Flies

Willie Gunn  Salmon Tube Fly

Willie Gunn Tube Fly (variant)
Tube: 25mm stainless steel Needle Tube
Wing: yellow, orange and black hair tied in separate layers top and bottom with a few strands of Krystal Flash mixed in
see: Willie Gunn Tube Fly Step by Step

Munro's Killer Tube Fly

Munro's Killer Tube Fly
Tube: 15 mm stainless steel needle tube
Tail: yellow and sunburst Arctic fox
Wing: black squirrel tail
Hackles: Orange under blue
See: Munro's Killer Tube Fly

Irish Shrimp Tube Fly

Erie Shrimp Tube (Irish Shrimp Style)
Tube: 15mm needle Tube 1.5mm outside diameter
Tail: golden pheasant breast with a few strands of Krystal Flash
Body: rear yellow/front black
Rib: oval silver tinsel
Mid Hackle: yellow
Front hackle: brown with JC under
see: Irish Shrimp Tube Step by Step

Salmon Needle Fly

The Needle Fly
Needle: No. 9 long darning needle
Throat: white Arctic fox
Wing: black over orange over yellow Arctic Fox hair with a few strands of Krystal Flash
see: The Needle Fly Step by Step

Fiery Cascade Salmon Tube Fly

Fiery Cascade Needle Tube Fly
Tube:  stainless steel needle Tube
Tail/Underwing: mixed orange and yellow fox squirrel tail with a few strands of Krystal Flash
Wing: black squirrel tail
Hackle: Orange over yellow cock
see: Fiery Cascade Tube Step by Step

The Garry Salmon Fly

Garry (Low Water Style)
Hook: low water single
Tag: oval silver tinsel
Tail: golden pheasant crest
Tail: red ibis (sub) over
Body: black floss
Rib: oval silver tinsel
Wing: yellow over red hair
Hackle: blue guinea fowl

The Spring Green Salmon Tube Fly

Spring Green Tube Fly
Tube: 15mm needle tube (1.8mm diam.)
Tail: white and green fox
Body: silver/wound Olive Krystal Flash
Wing: brown bucktail/Krystal Flash
Hackles: brown over yellow
Spring Green Tube Step by Step

The Stoats Tail Salmon Fly

Stoat's Tail
Hook: low water Wilson single
Tag: oval silver tinsel
Tail: golden pheasant crest
Body: black floss
Rib: oval silver tinsel
Wing: black stoat's tail (or dyed squirrel)
Hackle: black
Stoat's Tail Step by Step

Dusty Miller Salmon Tube Fly

Dusty Miller Tube Fly
Tube: 15mm needle tube (1.8mm diam.)
Tail: yellow and red bucktail / squirrel
Body: silver/fluorescent orange floss
Wing: brown bucktail/Krystal Flash
Hackles: brown over orange
Dusty Miller Tube Step by Step

Ruddy Buck  Salmon Tube Fly

Ruddy Buck Tube Fly
Tube: 25mm stainless steel Needle Tube
Wing: yellow, red and brown bucktail tied in separate layers top and bottom with a few strands of Krystal Flash mixed in
see: Ruddy Buck Tube Fly Step by Step

Highland Cascade Salmon Tube Fly

Highland Cascade Needle Tube Fly
Tube:  stainless steel needle Tube
Tail/Underwing: mixed green and yellow fox squirrel tail with a few strands of Krystal Flash
Wing: black squirrel tail
Hackle: Orange over yellow cock
see: Scottish Shrimp Needle Tubes

Magus Salmon Fly

Hook: low water double
Tail: squirrel tail dyed magenta with a few strands of Krystal Flash
Body: silver tinsel
Rib: oval silver tinsel
Wing: neon magenta fluorescent floss with natural squirrel tail
Hackle: black over magenta
see: Magus Salmon Fly Step by Step

The New Magus Salmon Fly

Magus Tube Fly 2012
Tube: 15mm Needle Tube
Tail/Wing: arctic fox tail dyed magenta and black
Hackles: black over magenta over pink

BOOK - Sea Trout Nights



Badger & Yellow Tube Fly

Badger & Yellow
Tube: 25mm stainless steel needle tube
Wing: Natural badger hair mixed with yellow bucktail and a few strands of Krystal Flash

Bann Special Shrimp Tube Fly

Bann Special Irish Shrimp
Tube: 15 mm stainless steel needle tube
Tail: Golden Pheasant Breast
Body: yellow and black floss, silver rib
Hackles: Orange mid and badger front with Jungle cock under front hackle
See: Bann Special Tube Fly

Curry's Red Shrimp Tube Fly

Curry's Red Irish Shrimp
Tube: 15mm stainless steel needle tube
Tail: Golden Pheasant Breast
Body: red and black floss, silver rib
Hackles: Badger mid and badger front with Jungle cock under front hackle
See: Curry's Red Tube Fly

Yellow Shrimp Salmon Tube Fly

Yellow Shrimp Needle Tube Fly
Tube:  stainless steel needle Tube
Tail/Underwing: mixed natural red squirrel and dyed yellow fox squirrel tail with a few strands of Krystal Flash
Wing: dyed yellow fox squirrel tail
Hackle: brown over yellow
see: Scottish Shrimp Needle Tubes

Beltra Badger Salmon Tube Fly

Beltra Badger Needle Tube Fly
Tube:  stainless steel needle Tube
Tail/Underwing: mixed orange and yellow bucktail with a few strands of Krystal Flash
Wing: natural badger hair
Hackle: blue over yellow
see: Beltra Badger Tube Fly

Lammas Shrimp Salmon Tube Fly

Lammas Shrimp Needle Tube Fly
Tube:  stainless steel needle Tube
Tail: golden pheasant breast feather with a few strands of Krystal Flash
Body: silver to rear of tail
Hackles: fluorescent pink under hot orange under black
see: Lammas Shrimp Tube Fly

Sunburst Shrimp Salmon Tube Fly

Sunburst Shrimp Needle Tube Fly
Tube:  stainless steel needle Tube
Tail: sunburst Arctic fox with a few strands of Krystal Flash
Body: silver
Hackles: fluorescent orange over hot orange

Furnace Shrimp Salmon Tube Fly

Furnace Shrimp Needle Tube Fly
Tube:  stainless steel needle Tube
Tail/Wing: sunburst and orange Arctic fox/ natural squirrel tail with a few strands of Krystal Flash
Body: silver
Hackles: furnace over hot orange

Salmon Tingler Tube Fly

Salmon Tingler
Tube:  stainless steel needle Tube
Tail/Wing: sunburst Arctic fox with a few strands of Krystal Flash
Hackles: hot orange over fluo orange
Hook: single dressed with orange Arctic fox
see: Salmon Tingler

Tubular Belles - Needle Tube Flies

Tubular Belles 
Tube:  stainless steel needle Tube
Wing: Mixed Arctic fox tail with a few strands of Krystal Flash
Body: silver
Hackles: two hackles swept under and back
(Jungle cock cheeks optional)

Tanuki Sunrise Tube Fly

Tanuki Sunrise 
Tube:  15mm needle Tube
Wing/Tail: Orange tanuki over sunburst Arctic Fox with a few strands of Krystal Flash
Hackles: Claret over Yellow

Backender Tube Fly

The Backender 
Tube:  10mm needle Tube
Tail: Sunburst Arctic Fox with a few strands of orange Wing n' Flash
Underbody: Orange and Pink Arctic Fox
Wing: Natural dark brown Red Squirrel Tail
Hackle: Rich Hot Orange

Coypu and Claret

Coy Shrimp
Tube:  15mm Needle Tube
Tail: Orange Coypu
Wing: Yellow Coypu
Hackles: Claret over Hot Orange
see more Coy Shrimp Flies


Yelly Belly Shrimp
Yelly Belly Shrimp
Tube:  10mm Needle Tube
Tail: Orange and Yellow Bucktail with two strands olive Krystal Flash
Wing: Olive Bucktail two thirds length of the tail
Underwing: A few strands of yellow bucktail, two thirds the length of the tail
Hackle: Fluo Sunburst Rooster
Tying the Yelly Belly Shrimp






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Needle Tubes
1.5mm Needle Tubes
1.8mm Needle Tubes
Grays Tube Fly Adaptor
Needle Tube Flies
Scottish Shrimp Tubes
Spey Shrimp Tubes
Wee Monkeys
Sea Trout Tube Flies
Salmon Doubles
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Sea Trout Flies
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Extension Tubing

Our Needle Tubes and boxed selections of trout, sea trout and salmon flies are available in our online fly shop.

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Related Web Pages

Grays Online Fly Shop

Trout & Salmon Fishing

Trout Fishing Scotland

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Salmon Flies

Trout Flies

Sea Trout Flies

Tube Flies

Sea Trout Fishing


GRAYS Tube Fly Adaptor

The new Grays Tube Fly Adaptor is now available in our online shop supplied with 25 ASSORTED NEEDLE TUBES

Grays Tube Fly Adaptor is a most practical and versatile fly tying tool, which holds all sizes off tubes securely. It is particularly suited to dressing our needle tubes. For full information and advice on how to use our tube fly adaptor see:

Grays Tube Fly Adaptor




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