Trout and Salmon Flies


Fulling Mill Flies Grays Needle Tubes Grays Tube Fly Adaptor Blackback Salmon Tubes Scottish Shrimp Salmon Flies Spey Shrimp Salmon Tubes Sea Trout Needle Tubes Wee Monkeys Salmon Minitubes Trout Flies

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Fly Tying Tubes

Grays Needle Tubes

slim stainless steel tubes for making tube flies for salmon, steelhead and sea trout

Grays Needle Tubes

Developed and made in Scotland by Grays of Kilsyth, using very fine stainless steel tubing, the type used in the manufacture of hypodermic needles, Gray's Needle Tubes are the finest plastic lined metal tubes available for fly tying. Now available in our ONLINE FLY SHOP

Gray's Salmon Needle Tubes

Read about the International success of our new Needle Tubes

Gray's Needle Tubes were introduced for the start of the 2008 fishing season. Made using very fine stainless steel tubing, the type used in the manufacture of hypodermic needles. Our 1.5 range of Needle Tubes are the thinnest plastic lined metal tubes available for fly tying, having an outside diameter of 1.5 mm and an inside diameter of approximately 0.40 mm, allowing the use of leader materials, such as Maxima, in breaking strains up to a maximum of 15 lb nylon. The new 1.5 range of Needle Tubes, made in Scotland by Grays of Kilsyth, is now available in our online shop in the following lengths: 10mm, 15mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 35 mm and 40 mm

Grays Needle Tubes

The 1.5 mm Range

The finest range of needle tubes have an outside diameter of 1.5 mm and an inside diameter of about 0.40 mm  If using a small bore (1.0 mm) silicone hook link to retain the hook, leaders of up to about 15 pounds (7kg) breaking strain are recommended.  The 1.5 range is available in lengths of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 mm .............. more

The 1.8 mm Range

Still much thinner than traditional aluminium and copper tubes, these have an outside diameter of 1.8 mm and inside diameter of 0.60 mm, which can accommodate nylon leaders of 30 pounds or more. If using a small bore (1.5 mm) silicone or PVC hook link, leaders of up to a maximum of 20 pounds are recommended. The 1.8 range is available in lengths of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 mm ...... more

Both the 1.5 and 1.8 ranges are available in our ONLINE FLY SHOP

Sea Trout Needle Tube Fly

Being made from fine polished stainless steel, the kind used in the making of hypodermic needles, needle tube flies sink more readily than plastic or aluminium tube flies but fish a little less deeply, and perhaps more attractively, than the heavier copper and brass tubes. Needle Tube Flies compare in weight and profile to flies dressed on Waddington shanks, but with the important benefit that the hook is easily changed on the needle tube fly. Needle tubes are also much easier to dress than Waddington or snake lures.

Lake Erie Steelhead

8 pound steelhead taken by Bob Schoeller from Lake Erie on a Needle Tube Fly

Fly Fishing & Fly Tying Magazine Review

In his recent review of August 2011 Magnus Angus wrote of Gray's Needle Tubes:

... slender, gleaming tubes; utterly functional and very tempting!  ... these are extraordinary in a couple of ways - slimmer than any straight tubes I have seen for sale - stainless steel which is both hard to find and hard to cut.

... flies tied on these tubes are not like heavy bulky conventional tubes, these are light and sleek, cast easily and can be controlled by a sink-tip or poly-leader. Want to fish deeper - use a faster sinking line. In other words these are modern tubes for modern fishing techniques which emphasise easier casting and employ sophisticated modern fly-lines to determine fishing depth.

As a fly tyer the proportion, neatness and finish of these tubes and the neat finish I can achieve on them appeals directly to the satisfaction I get from fly tying. And stainless steel tubes are about as tough as fly tying tubes get - so my carefully tied flies should fish a little longer. Then as an angler, the slimness of these tubes makes me think of clear water and sea trout. The shorter tubes seem ideal for those wee speck-like flies for low flows, longer tubes for faster water or fishing into the dark ..."

Needle Tubes

Gray's Needle Tubes are made using very fine stainless steel tubing, the type used in the manufacture of hypodermic needles. Our Needle Tubes are the thinnest plastic lined metal tubes available for fly tying. We have now added a second range of Needle tubes. The new tubes have an outside diameter of 1.8 mm, and inside diameter of 0.60 mm, allowing the use of leaders of 30 pounds breaking strain or more, but if using a silicone or PVC extension (bore 1.5mm) to retain the hook and knot, a maximum of 20 lb nylon is recommended. The 1.8 range of Needle Tubes, made in Scotland by Grays of Kilsyth, are now available in our online shop in the following lengths: 10mm, 15 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm and 35 mm

Copper tube and a Needle Tube

Gray's Needle Tubes are much finer than traditional tubes


One of eight Spey sea trout taken in two hours fishing on a simple black and silver Needle Tube Fly, 23rd June 2014

Dressing Gray's Needle Tubes

To dress the needle tubes, the tube should be secured in suitable Tube Fly Vice

The fly tube body may be dressed in the normal way or left undressed to give a simple, very slim silver fly body, as shown in the examples below. A short length of silicone tubing is then used to connect a hook of appropriate size, treble, double or single. If a fly longer than 40 mm is required, two needle fly tubes may be joined in tandem by a length of the silicone tubing provided to produce a fly of anything up to 8 cms in length.

Grays Needle Tubes can be dressed to create a range of flies, from a short and very slim micro tube of only 10 mm in length, perhaps for summer grilse in a low water, through the whole range of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 mm tubes, dressed for salmon fishing throughout the season.

New addition to our online fly shop

 HMH Tube Vice Adapter


HMH Tube Fly Vice Adapter

HMH Tube Fly Tool


The longer tubes, or a pair of tubes linked in series, dressed sparsely, make very attractive sea trout lures, more easily dressed, and just as slim as the popular sea trout snake fly for late night sea trout fishing. Being made from fine polished stainless steel, the kind used in the making of hypodermic needles, needle tube flies sink more readily than plastic or aluminium tube flies but fish a little higher, and more attractively, than the heavier copper and brass tubes. Needle Tube Flies would have a comparable sink rate and similar slim profile to flies dressed previously on Waddington shanks, but with the important benefit that the hook is easily changed on the needle tube fly. Needle tubes are also much easier to dress than Waddington or snake lures.

The new 1.8 mm range of Gray's Needle Tubes adds to the options created by our 1.5 mm original needle tube range, allowing the salmon fly tyer to make tube flies in lengths from 10 mm up to 40 mm (tube length). Since the new tubes have an internal diameter of 0.60 mm, they can accept leaders of 30 lbs breaking strain nylon or more, and can be used for larger fish, such as salmon, steelhead and sea trout, in heavier water. However, if using a small bore (1.5mm) silicone or PVC extension tube to retain the hook and knot, a maximum of around 20 lb nylon is recommended. I would also recommend a knot which results in the tag end pointing to the rear of the hook, e.g. the Trilene Knot. This makes it easier to insert the hook eye and knot into the silicone sleeve.

A Cascade dressed on Gray's Needle Tubes

Needle Tube Fly

Buy Now 


More from Grays of Kilsyth

Illustrated below are some of the needle tubes and tube flies; trout, salmon and sea trout flies; spinheads; fly tying accessories, some of them unique and available online only from Grays of Kilsyth, e.g. our ultra-slim stainless steel fly tying Needle Tubes and Needle Tube Flies. 

Gray's Needle Tubes

Needle Tubes

Fine stainless steel fly tying tubes in a range of lengths with diameters as low as 1.5 mm

1.5mm Diameter Needle Tubes

1.8mm Diameter Needle Tubes

GRAYS Tube Fly Adaptor

The new Grays Tube Fly Adaptor is now available in our online shop supplied with 25 ASSORTED NEEDLE TUBES


Sea Trout Needle Tube Flies

Sea Trout Tube Flies

A boxed selection of one dozen sea trout needle tube flies in 25mm and 35 mm lengths.

Scottish Shrimp Salmon Tube Flies

Scottish Shrimp Tube Flies

A selection of Scottish Shrimp fly patterns dressed on 10mm Grays Needle Tubes.

Spey Shrimp Needle Tube Flies

Spey Shrimp Flies

One dozen Spey Shrimp Tube flies dress on 1.8mm diameter needle tubes.

Minitube Salmon Flies

Salmon Minitubes

A selection of twelve salmon minitube flies dressed on 10mm long needle tubes.

Wee Monkey Needle Tube Flies

Wee Monkey Salmon Tubes

A selection of 12 Wee Monkey Salmon Tube Flies in a range of popular colours.

Blackback Salmon Needle Tubes

Blackback Tubes

A box of ten Blackback Salmon needle tube flies

Traditional Scottish Doubles

Traditional Scottish Salmon Flies

A boxed selection of twenty famous traditional salmon doubles from Fulling Mill.



The Spinhead is an entirely new spinning device, a kind of fly spoon, designed and developed by Grays of Kilsyth primarily for the salmon fly fisherman who prefers the fly rod to the spinning rod.

Sea Trout Fly Singles

Sea Trout Flies

A box of forty sea trout single flies in sizes 10 and 8.

Trout Wet Flies

Scottish Loch Flies

A boxed selection of forty famous traditional Scottish wet flies for loch and river.

Trout Dry Flies

Trout Dry Flies

A box of forty famous British Dry Flies in a variety of sizes.


HMH Tube Fly Adaptor

HMH Tube Fly Tool

The superb HMH Tube Fly Adapter is now available in our online shop at £39.99 with four free sample Needle Tubes




All of the above needle tubes, flies, fly tying and related accessories are available from Grays of Kilsyth online




Quick Product Links

Needle Tubes
1.5mm Needle Tubes
1.8mm Needle Tubes
Grays Tube Fly Adaptor
Needle Tube Flies
Scottish Shrimp Tubes
Spey Shrimp Tubes
Wee Monkeys
Sea Trout Tube Flies
Salmon Doubles
Traditional Doubles
Trout & Sea Trout
Sea Trout Flies
Sea Trout Needle Tubes
Trout Flies
Trout Dry Flies
Fly Boxes
Extension Tubing

Our Needle Tubes and boxed selections of trout, sea trout and salmon flies are available in our online fly shop.All online payments are processed by the trusted Paypalpayment system, the safest way to shop on the internet. You can be sure that your personal and credit card details will remain strictly confidential and secure. We normally dispatch all orders within 24 hours of receipt of your order, by first class post within the UK (which often means next day delivery for orders placed early in the day) and by airmail to international destinations.

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Sea Trout Fishing

Fly Fishing







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trout & salmon flies