Trout and Salmon Flies


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Fly Fishing Pictures

Scottish Fishing Photographs

A collection of fly fishing pictures relating to fly fishing for Scottish salmon, trout and sea trout. The page includes photographs of the Scottish lochs and rivers and some photos of trout and salmon and a few pictures of trout and salmon flies.



A selection of fly fishing pictures, of the rivers and lochs of Scotland, plus photographs of trout, salmon, sea trout and a few of the flies used to catch them.


River Teith
River Teith - Salmon fishing in the shadow of Doune castle.
River Teith, Doune
River Teith, Castle Pool, Doune - Salmon fishing
River Carron
good water on the River Carron - trout fishing on the upper river.
River Carron
River Carron - Trout fishing
River Carron
River Carron - Trout fishing
River Carron
River Carron - a nice trout pool in the glen.
River Carron
River carron - trout fishing
 Carron Glen
River Carron - trout fishing
River Carron, Denny
River Carron - Salmon, sea trout and trout fishing at Denny. permits for Larbert and Stenhousemuir A.C. water available locally.
River Carron, Larbert
River Carron - Salmon, trout and sea trout fishing at Headswood.
River Carron, Larbert
River Carron - Salmon and trout fishing
River Carron
River Carron - trout and salmon fishing
Salmon Fly - Jeannie
Salmon Fly - Jeannie
River Clyde
River Clyde, Lamington - trout and grayling fishing, Lamington Angling Club.
Clyde Grayling
River Clyde grayling fishing
River Clyde, Lamington
River Clyde, Lamington - trout and grayling fishing
Gruinard Bay
Gruinard Bay - salmon and, once upon a time, sea trout fishing in Wester Ross.
Loch Ewe
Loch Ewe - Salmon and sea trout fishing, Wester Ross - ruined by salmon farming.
River Blackwater
River Blackwater - salmon fishing on the water controlled by the Loch Achonachie Angling Club.
River Blackwater
River Blackwater, Rogie - salmon fishing
Salmon Fly - Logie
Salmon Fly - Logie
Loch Skene
Loch Skene - trout fishing after a long hard climb.
Cothi Sewin
River Cothi Sewin - nine pounds of perfection.
River Conway
River Conway - salmon and sea trout fishing
River Towy
River Towy, Wales - Upper River - sea trout fishing
River Towy
River Towy - Sea trout fishing
 Towy - reconnaissance
Now where are these sewin?







BOOK - Sea Trout Nights



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