Gray’s Trout Fly Box


A small fly box (dimensions 13.5 x 9.5 x 1.5 cm) which will fit in shirt or waistcoat pocket to hold a selection of trout or sea trout single hooked flies


We have added a new small fly box to hold trout and sea trout flies. Like the tube fly box, this is a superb small (shirt pocket size) fly box ideal for holding trout and sea trout single flies from size 14 up to size 8.

Grays’ fly boxes are waterproof with a clear lid and slotted foam inserts to hold a maximum of 95 flies. A practical and durable fly box (dimensions 13.5 x 9.5 x 1.5 cm) which will fit into a waistcoat or shirt pocket and hold enough flies for a day or night’s fishing. The box has a waterproof seal which prevents water access when deep wading or in wet weather.

Each box will hold a maximum of 95 trout flies. The box might be filled to capacity with small flies or it will comfortably hold fifty flies in the larger sizes (inserting flies in every second slot, leaving an empty slot between flies, as shown above). The photograph above shows Gray’s Trout Fly Boxes containing a selection of wet flies. The top box is holding forty sea trout flies in sizes 10 and 8. Note: the flies shown are for illustration only. They are not included with the fly box.

For boxed selections of trout flies, see the menu to the right or below.